Eu não participou
Wir machen nicht mit
Ich mache nicht mit
Мы не будем участвовать
Nous ne participerons pas
I Won't Participate
We Refuse to Participate
I Don't Participate
Não vamos participar
لن نشارك
Je ne participe pas
7th celebration of the unnaming of M.Strasse
While it took 260 years after Anton Wilhelm Amo’s death and 15 years of fight led by #decolonizeberlin to rename the m-strasse to his name, Werner Otto has his name inscribed at the top of this baroque ruin in the middle of the city for a million euro donation to a cross that demands our kneeling. We refuse this. We refuse the colonial violence that the Humboldt Forum perpetuates.
Some photographs by Thabo Thindi of the August 23rd demonstration organized by Decolonize Berlin e.V.: AfricAvenir International, AFROTAK TV cyberNomads, Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag, Berlin Postkolonial, Each One Teach One, FuturAfrik, glokal, Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland, NARUD, With speeches by: Simone Dede Ayivi, Vincent B. Bababoutilabo, Dr. Manuela Bauche, Angelo Camufingo, Dr. Karamba Diaby, Dr. Ibou Diop, Dr. Noa Ha, Monilola Ilupeju, Dr. Duane Jethro, Elisabeth Kaneza, Jeff Klein, Adetoun Küppers-Adebisi, Philip Kojo Metz, Coalition of Cultural Workers Against Humboldt Forum, amongst others.
Soft Soil II
nGbK -
Mumie lyrics -
Soft Soil III: Private Police Partnership NGBK
Online: On decolonising urban space -
Dead on Arrival
Second Rehearsal (feat. The Tear-Down-Ensemble) -
Wartende Schönheit, 1736, lyrics -
Weekly gathering at SPREEUFER, thursdays